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Engineers Without Borders – Yemen

Engineers Without Borders - Yemen

We believe in the power of engineering to make a change.

Climate change.

The increasing impacts of climate change exposed poorest countries most to climate risks, even less CO2 emissions are found in these countries. Yemen is one of the poorest countries, which experience the worst humanitarian crisis in the world thus climate change impacts the development, and deteriorate the crisis more, which is escalating poverty, deforestation, droughts can harm livestock and crop productivity, while changes in rainfall patterns can increase the risk of crop pest infestations and threaten food security in general. EWB focus on avoiding climate changes through responsive actions on adaptations and resilience. The urgency to program adaptations and resilience measures is approached through promotion of participatory adaptation planning with stakeholders, at all levels in both private and governorate sector, building capacity of institutions for risk analysis, planning and implementation. EWB is planning to invest in climate's data and information collection and analysis to ensure climate monitoring and forecasting systems are established to lower asset risks, , as well as provision of available cost-effective solutions through forecasting systems, and analysis of information and data to avoid loss and mitigate risks efficiently. However, public awareness and mainstreaming of climate change actions is critical to be widely spread through education campaigns, in addition to mainstreaming systemic climate risk management at country level sector levels.

Engineers Without Borders - Yemen
Engineers Without Borders - Yemen

Climate change and natural disasters increasingly affect people’s well-being and development prospects. Engineers are problem solvers and innovators, to help tackle climate change and engineering is focal to solving them.