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Engineers Without Borders – Yemen

Engineers Without Borders - Yemen

We believe in the power of engineering to make a change.

Waste management:

Yemen is experiencing big problems in waste management due to the current crisis which resulted in deterioration in basic infrastructural services, such as waste management in corban and rural areas. The impacts of poor waste management in the country contributed significantly in the outbreaks overwhelmed people's health and exposed Yemen people to diseases and increase in moritlity and morbidity rates in Yemen. The EWB, focus on adoption of waste management programing through sustainable measures to improve the treatment and disposal of municipal solid waste in the country. This to be achieved through closing of open dumps and constructing modern and environmentally safe landfills, improving municipal solid waste management(SWM) practices, reducing poverty among waste pickers, increasing private sector participation in SWM service provision. EBW envest in promotion of waste management initiatives through rising public responsibility towards waste management measures, through adaptation, voluntary work, mobilization through communities and engagement of public sector, social media in promotion of good waste management practices, which increase communities' knowledge, change attitudes and practices in rural and urban areas all around Yemen.   EWB focus in promotion at nation level to restructure environmental framework consist of environmental standards, best practice, guidelines and policies are through re-enforcement of environmental regulations to maintain less implications from plants, utilization of oil-based energy and industry in general.

Engineers Without Borders - Yemen